Sunday, December 4, 2016

An interesting and healthy aromatic nut.

As far as I can think back, and that is a long time, nutmeg was always on our table, and still is today. We grate it into our soup to give it that wonderful aromatic nutmeg flavour. This was about all I knew about this “nut” then. But my inquisitiveness found that there is more to it than meets the eye. The nutmeg tree is a large evergreen tree native to the Moluccas (the Spice Islands) and is now cultivated in the West Indies. It produces two spices - mace and nutmeg. Nutmeg is the seed kernel inside the fruit and mace is the lacy covering (aril) on the kernel. Amazing!
This brings me to my cashew tree,  which produces two fruits; a nut and an apple all on one stem. I had once a nutmeg tree growing in my garden, but it produced only male flowers and was told that you need another tree with female flowers for pollination to get nutmeg – so, unfortunately, I didn’t get my own nutmeg. Nutmeg pictures.

Insomnia can be extremely frustrating and debilitating. It can have an effect on nearly every aspect of someone’s life. If you’re experiencing trouble sleeping, nutmeg might work for you as a natural cure. Nutmeg is a popular spice that is associated with a long list of health benefits, including its ability to relieve pain, soothe indigestion, detox the body, boost skin health, strengthen the immune system and improve blood circulation. Nutmeg is also believed to possess mild sedative properties that may benefit those who suffer from insomnia. I knew an old couple who drank warm milk with nutmeg grated into it before bedtime, and they swore that it helped them to get a good sleep – perhaps it might do the same for you.

Following is an interesting follow-up of this aromatic nut by: Shubhra Krishan. I hope you find this interesting. – Werner

8 Amazing Health Benefits of Nutmeg.

Just a little nutmeg grated into pumpkin soup or added to granola—even scrubbed onto the skin—can do a world of good for your health. Take a look at the healing benefits of this rich, aromatic spice.

1. Helps Induce Sleep.

When I was a child, my grandmother would give me a glass of milk with a pinch of powdered nutmeg in it before bed. It can also be mixed with ghee and rubbed around the temples at bedtime to enhance deep sleep and calm the mind.
2. Rich in Minerals.
A dusting of nutmeg adds aroma and enhances the taste of your food. It also gives you trace minerals that keep the immune system strong. Potassium, calcium, iron and manganese are among key minerals found in nutmeg.
3. Brightens Skin.
Just a little nutmeg, ground and mixed with water or honey into a paste, can make skin look clearer and brighter within a few days, reducing scars and alleviating acne. You can also add nutmeg to your face scrub for the same benefits.
4. Helps Digestion.
For centuries, nutmeg has been used as a medicinal spice that brings relief from digestive problems. So grate a little nutmeg into your soups and stews for a boost of flavour and a healthy gut!
5.Natural Toothpaste.
The star spice in dental care has traditionally been clove. But few might know that nutmeg too has proven antibacterial properties that protect the teeth and gums. Nutmeg oil has eugenol, which brings relief from toothache. That’s why you often find it listed among the ingredients of toothpaste. Combined with cinnamon, it makes a powerful antiseptic, antimicrobial paste.
6. Protects Your Brain.
Nutmeg keeps the brain sharp! It contains natural organic compounds called myristicin and macelignan, which is known to shield your brain against degenerative disease such as Alzheimer’s.
7. Eases Swelling and Pain.
The essential oil of nutmeg brings relief from muscular and joint pain. Apply it to a localized area of swelling and discomfort, and feel the pain melt away.
8. Boosts Circulation.
In holistic medicine, nutmeg is often prescribed to rev up blood circulation because of the high potassium content. Traditional healers believe it also strengthens the liver.
A note of caution: It is almost impossible to overuse nutmeg, because all you need is a tiny dusting of it to reap its taste and nutrition benefits. Even so, I must state that overuse of nutmeg is known to cause palpitations, sweating, hallucination and other discomforts, so do use this wonder spice in moderation. Source:
Better Sleep. 
More reading.
My thought for today. – Werner
You can learn something every day if you pay attention. ~ Ray LeBlond


Sonja Hardy said...

Interesting. I've always loved nutmeg in many dishes - both sweet and savoury, but never knew about mace, and haven't ever used it in cooking. Now I'm curious, and plan to try it.

Betty L. said...

Wow! Werner this is very interesting. I had no idea that this humble spice had actually health benefits. Thank you very much for sharing this and, the interesting links.