The largest solar panel blaze in history took place in June 2009 in Germany at the warehouse complex of BP Solar! Talk about “accident prone”. BP’s 200 square metre array, at Bürstadt, near Mannheim, was one of the largest roof-mounted installations in the world. And it was fabricated by BP Solar.
A rooftop solar array produces direct current electricity at a potential of 600 to 800 volts, more than enough to kill—and it cannot be turned off. The standard firefighting technique of opening up the roof to vent a blaze is not possible, because putting an axe through the solar panels exposes the firemen to deadly voltages.
Firefighters in the U.S. also have a policy of letting the solar panel-related fire burn out, rather than fighting it. Reporting on a 2009 meeting of New Jersey fire chiefs, a Florence Township chief wrote: “The final question which was asked really put things in perspective—someone asked that since California is number one when it comes to Solar Panel System installations, ‘What do their firefighters do when a structure fire involves these systems?’ Answer was ‘they let it burn’!”
And the solar panels themselves are often the cause of the blaze. Here in Australia, currently experiencing a government-subsidised boom in rooftop panel installations, a survey of 200 systems found 3 per cent were incorrectly wired, leading to serious fire risk. Apart from faulty wiring by installers, poor quality control in manufacturing has led to fracture in the joints between the solar cell modules, which can lead to electrical arcing. The resultant fires burn at quite high temperatures.
Solar electricity generation is ridiculously costly, and has only caught on because of huge government subsidies. Studies in the U.S. show that the true cost for the average home is 35 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh), and 25 cents per kWh in the desert. Electricity can be generated from nuclear plants at 1.3 cents/kWh, if plant construction time is reduced to a reasonable five years or less. Uranium fuel is so energy dense, that the main cost of nuclear power is in the plant construction. Knowing this, the Green Nazis in the U.S.A. fought for punitive regulations which dragged out construction times to 10 years or longer. They thus ran up amortisation costs at high compound interest rates to high levels, making it appear cheaper, in the short run, for a utility to build coal or gas-fired plants.
Meanwhile, Green alternative energy is subsidised at huge taxpayer expense. In Australia, under the federal government’s Solar Credits scheme, a typical home solar package including panels and inverter is subsidised, astoundingly at close to $10,000. Additionally, five states and the NT subsidise net feed-in to the grid—power generated minus the household consumption—from rooftop solar panels at up to a guaranteed minimum 60 cents/kWh, while NSW and ACT subsidise gross feed-in—the total generated—at the incredible rate of 50.05 cents in the ACT, and 60 cents in NSW!
In Germany, "Der Spiegel" reports that a study by the Arrhenius Institute for Energy and Climate Policy calculated that solar energy receives €2.7 million per day in subsidies! This figure is obtained simply by multiplying the 35 euro-cents/kWh which consumers pay as a subsidy on solar energy, by the overall production of one day, as measured on 8th July. Today, one of the largest solar panel installations in the world is atop the roof of the Reichstag building in Berlin. Shall history soon repeat itself in bizarre fashion, with a new Reichstag fire, this time caused by the solar panel mania of the new Green Nazis?
Very interesting - and the first time I've been made aware of this dangerous aspect of solar panels.
However, there is another health danger this article doesn't mention, and that is the high levels of 'dirty electricity' solar panels generate. Donna Fisher touches on this briefly in her book, "More Silent Fields" - a book I highly recommend to everyone. 'Dirty electricity' is very likely to be a large contributor to many modern health problems, including cancer, multiple sclerosis and diabetes, and we are all exposed to it in our homes and workplaces every day. But the book also shows how STETZERiZER filters can clean up a dirty electricity environment. The book is available through Donna's website: www.silentfields
Many thanks for this info. I've been concerned for some time about these installations and their potential for harm to human health, this is a new issue as I had not even considered the fire risk. Logical when you think about it. Solar hot water systems don't concern me, but I have been dubious about the effects of solar panels for electricity production.
Many thanks for this info. I've been concerned for some time about these installations and their potential for harm to human health, this is a new issue as I had not even considered the fire risk. Logical when you think about it. Solar hot water systems don't concern me, but I have been dubious about the effects of solar panels for electricity production.
The problem of fighting fires is not likely to be much of a problem given the very few panels most people can afford to put on their houses in most cases, though it is something to be aware of.
Dirty electricity isn't something I have bothered about as I don't think it is any worse than ordinary house power with all the leakages they have.
As far as potential health problems are concerned, it may contribute slightly, however not in the same ball park as low vitamin D and eating too much sugar and too many grains. All aspects of our lives have costs and benefits and to me solar power still comes down on the benefits side.
Solar Power House, you're right about the importance of Vit D, too much sugar and too many grains - but don't just dismiss the contribution of dirty electricity to ill health. Ordinary house power IS part of the problem - but it's worse in school computer labs and offices with a lot of computers and fluorescent lighting. And solar panels are another contributor to the dirty electricity load, which, along with electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones etc, and numerous other environmental toxins, impacts on our health. The effects are synergistic and cumulative. The evidence is mounting.
Solar Power House, you're right about the importance of Vit D, too much sugar and too many grains - but don't just dismiss the contribution of dirty electricity to ill health.
Ordinary house power IS part of the problem - but it's worse in school computer labs and offices with a lot of computers and fluorescent lighting. And solar panels are another contributor to the dirty electricity load, which, along with electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones etc, and numerous other environmental toxins, impacts on our health.
The effects are synergistic and cumulative. The evidence is mounting.
currently 50% of householder are using solar hot water system to heat their water into there homes
Wow, some conspiracy going on with your comments werner! To date in Australia 0, yes 0% DC arcing has happening with grid connect and off grid installations to date! I worked inside a electricity retailer and was lectured by renewable engineer scientists on this subject. The accidents are all overseas.
yes the uptake has been solid, but health risks?! Show me empirical scientific proof? Donot make some quick money books as per commentary above with guess work galore.
Since, you have to approve this comment, guess you can tailor it to your liking to support your point of view, will be interesting to see if you can hack a debate.
Stop concentrating on the micro-aspects and look at the bigger picture. Redistribution of wealth, in regards to oil rich countries is a positive shift away from organised restrictions in demand and supply from specific countries.
Environment, I sit on the fence with climate change, but the risks are too large also to be a doubter!
Aint know hippy, but we only have 1 earth, if it gets ruined, then what?
Solar is creating new jobs and industries, yes it is subsidised by govt, but to discourage dirty filthy non-renewable it has to be. Have you been to China or India? do you see the inefficient and damaging environment at the cost of capitalism.
Think about it and think about the bigger picture.
All the best,
nothing less.
great post thanks for sharing this information.
Recently after new research solar panels are in good quality.Nice post.Thanks
wow that's a really nice research of the solar panel.
My company has now patented an Remote DC Isolation switch which will remove dangerous DC voltages from solar arrays in the event of a fire or maintenance. These products will be available to general market within the next few weeks and are already pre-selling fast.
This was a very helpful article, and I believe that solar energy is going to be the future for homeowners and business owners. Thanks for sharing this information.
I can't believe that this type of ignorant comment can still prevail.
Regardless of climate change, coal power spews billions of tonnes of mercury, arsenic and other heavy metals, as well as CO2, sulphur etc into the atmosphere every day affecting the health of every person on the planet.
Where's your comments on this?
Time to check the facts and not the right wing fiction from the coal, nuclear and oil companies who have so much to answer for!
Solar energy systems make use of the power of the sun to make clean energy available to you. The green house gases are reduced through this along with our dependency on fossil fuels.
Heating Your Home With Solar Energy
It doesn’t matter if you are building your home or remodeling, you can turn it into a solar energy home by making a few simple changes to your plan. If electric and gas become hard to manage you may want to consider heating your home with the sun. Solar energy is the heat that comes from the sun down to the earth. When it reaches the earth it spreads evenly but you may need it to go to a certain area like your home. How do you get that much sunlight to heat a home? It’s easy to do and takes a few extra steps to help get it started.
Very interesting post, thanks for sharing.
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Interesting article. If anyone is looking for a local family business in Cairns for a solar panel installation, check our CairnsSolarPanels.com.au
It is really nice to be reading about this news of solar panels. Solar system is the best option for creating a clean and renewable electrical power. I adore your site very much.
Great post.wow this is really nice research of the solar pane. thanks for post it.
Great Post! I got the useful information about the solar panel from your post.
your blog is really informative. I was in a doubt that solar panels can work in cloudy day or not. Thanks for sharing this information.
Solar Energy
If your panels are installed properly with all the new guidelines you won't have a problem should a fire arise.
First you need to know what Solar Panels produce DC power and gets converted to the deadly AC power.
If a solar system is connected to the new guidelines your hydro company MUST be able to shut off your solar power at the source.
Every Solar System here in Canada has a shutoff right next the main line.
All systems meet all the safety standards ensuring the safety of the home owner.
Fire concerns are really passe' now and really isn't a issue anymore.
Well, All things have their own advantages and disadvantages and same with the solar panels. So, we need to be careful and avoid excessive use of solar power by installing solar panels in home or office.
Thanks for this valuable information..It is really helpful in every aspect..
Domestic electrician
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Solar Panels are growing in popularity and it doesn't look like a trend that will be going away anytime soon.Adding solar panel to your home can make your home more green and it can also significantly reduce your utility bills, And you are also greatly helping our environment by producing clean energy from a renewable source.
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