A Gold Coast housewife, Sandra Harvey, sent this for publication. She raised some
interesting issues; is asking some pertinent questions and is hoping to get honest answers. I just hope that she will not hold her breath. I would like to stress that the opinion expressed and the matters raised are not necessarily those of the blogger. - Werner

Queensland’s status progressed from the Hillbilly State of the
1960s, after Labor had been in control for over forty years. We became the clever state and the smart state. Anna Bligh has now brought it back to the hillbilly status.
“Thank you, thank you, Queensland!” Anna Bligh’s euphoric utterance on election night still rings in my ears, and I wonder if the people she thanked for re-electing her will be thankful for what she has done to this state.
The LNP are of course rubbing their hands in glee for their high ratings in the opinion polls, but they have two years to wait before they get another chance to govern Queensland, and should not count their chickens yet.
In the meantime I find their silence deafening, and when election time finally comes around again I would be in a quandary as to whom to vote for. Hopefully, plenty of decent independents, who will give us honest representation, will put their hands up.
I and many others haven’t forgotten that J.P Langbroek and Bob Quinn, two former Liberals, wanted to introduce mandatory fluoridation through a private members bill in 2005. It was defeated by the majority of the Labor party, who surprisingly made a somersault a couple of years later and legislated mandatory fluoridation.
Astonishingly, they added a clause to their legislation that exempted them from prosecution should anybody suffer any ill effects from the poison they put into our water. The question begs; what were they worried about? It tells me that they were not convinced that fluoride was harmless.
As a dentist, Langbroek is absolutely myopic and dogmatic about having Fluorosilicic Acid in our drinking water. Dentists are neither scientists nor researchers and blindly stay inside the square of what they have been taught. The $220.000 the Queensland branch of the ADA received from the government has helped Queensland dentists to stay in that square and meekly accept the spin of Qld Health.
Our parliamentary system needs a complete overhaul to give the people of Queensland true representation, which at present they do not have, and they are becoming increasingly cynical about our political system. Perhaps we need another Eureka Stockade in Queensland.
Following are some questions I and many others would like to have answered by someone from the LNP:
• What would they do about the shameful mandatory fluoridation of our water, which is totally against democratic principle? Would they give us a referendum, which is at the heart of democracy, as the deputy premier, Paul Lucas so eloquently put?
• Further, with the state in such a financial and economic mess, what would the LNP do to reduce debt? With empty government coffers they wouldn’t be in a position to make voter enticing election promises.
And finally, with Langbroek still as the leader of the LNP I would be troubled and definitely would look for independents. He hasn’t the experience to lead a government, having been in Parliament only a short time and holding a very minor shadow portfolio. The experienced ALP spin doctor hounds will latch onto this and make mince meat of Langbroek at election time. Bring Springborg back; he is the best performer the LNP has.

“Thank you, thank you, Queensland!” Anna Bligh’s euphoric utterance on election night still rings in my ears, and I wonder if the people she thanked for re-electing her will be thankful for what she has done to this state.
The LNP are of course rubbing their hands in glee for their high ratings in the opinion polls, but they have two years to wait before they get another chance to govern Queensland, and should not count their chickens yet.
In the meantime I find their silence deafening, and when election time finally comes around again I would be in a quandary as to whom to vote for. Hopefully, plenty of decent independents, who will give us honest representation, will put their hands up.
I and many others haven’t forgotten that J.P Langbroek and Bob Quinn, two former Liberals, wanted to introduce mandatory fluoridation through a private members bill in 2005. It was defeated by the majority of the Labor party, who surprisingly made a somersault a couple of years later and legislated mandatory fluoridation.
Astonishingly, they added a clause to their legislation that exempted them from prosecution should anybody suffer any ill effects from the poison they put into our water. The question begs; what were they worried about? It tells me that they were not convinced that fluoride was harmless.
As a dentist, Langbroek is absolutely myopic and dogmatic about having Fluorosilicic Acid in our drinking water. Dentists are neither scientists nor researchers and blindly stay inside the square of what they have been taught. The $220.000 the Queensland branch of the ADA received from the government has helped Queensland dentists to stay in that square and meekly accept the spin of Qld Health.
Our parliamentary system needs a complete overhaul to give the people of Queensland true representation, which at present they do not have, and they are becoming increasingly cynical about our political system. Perhaps we need another Eureka Stockade in Queensland.
Following are some questions I and many others would like to have answered by someone from the LNP:
• What would they do about the shameful mandatory fluoridation of our water, which is totally against democratic principle? Would they give us a referendum, which is at the heart of democracy, as the deputy premier, Paul Lucas so eloquently put?
• Further, with the state in such a financial and economic mess, what would the LNP do to reduce debt? With empty government coffers they wouldn’t be in a position to make voter enticing election promises.
And finally, with Langbroek still as the leader of the LNP I would be troubled and definitely would look for independents. He hasn’t the experience to lead a government, having been in Parliament only a short time and holding a very minor shadow portfolio. The experienced ALP spin doctor hounds will latch onto this and make mince meat of Langbroek at election time. Bring Springborg back; he is the best performer the LNP has.
Your explicit statement about Queensland politics hit the nail right on the head and the sentiments you expressed are mine as well and, I’m sure, of most Queenslanders.
What an excellent posting, Sandra, and so say all of us. We will be “swinging” at the next election, an independent is what we’ll be voting for. We are sick and tired of party politicians, who seem to know what is best for us. Hitler and Stalin would have been proud of the motley crew that is in Government.
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