Front Page of the Cairns Post, 23.12.09. This should send a powerful message to Bligh and Co, but ignoring messages is one of their trademarks. They have stirred up a hornet’s nest in Cairns and the people of Queensland are finally waking up, a bit l
ate, but nevertheless they are starting to realize what is being done to them by this government. - Werner - Click on picture to enlarge!

Christmas rush on water filters for fluoride.
By Daniel Bateman,
CAIRNS residents are giving each other water filters as Christmas presents in a rush before the Far North's water supply is permanently fluoridated.
Shopkeepers say they have been rushed off their feet with sales of filters to residents concerned about the effects fluoridated water may have upon their health.
An average ceramic water filter has been selling for about $345, while reverse osmosis systems retail for $800, and distilling units about $390.
Owner of Cairns Business Enviromart Australia, Di Creasey, said 95 % of her water filter stock was being sold before it hit the shelves. We have been selling pallet loads every two to three days for the last three weeks before they hit the shelves, Mrs. Creasey said. “People have been coming in and buying them as Christmas presents.”
Fluoride will be permanently added to the Far North water supply by December 31.
Cairns Regional Council started pumping fluoride into the Tunnel Hill Water Treatment Plant, near Copperlode Dam, on Monday night.
Mrs. Creasey said, many of her customers felt the State Government’s mandate to fluoridate the Far North’s water was undemocratic.
“During the last state election, Anna Bligh really avoided the subject of fluoride,” she said. When she was voted back in, she thanked Queensland for giving her the go ahead for putting fluoride into the water supply "Yet most people feel that they have been ordered to have fluoride in their water without any choice in the matter."
McCracken's Water Services branch manager Jason Stefano said water filters had been "flying out the door". "We've been fielding about 20 calls a day and about 10 people a day coming in about it," Mr. Stefano said.
"It's out of control, to be honest. Fluoride is definitely a huge topic in Cairns." Mr. Stefano urged buyers to do their research before investing in a water filter to ensure it actually filtered out the right chemicals.
Whitfield resident Emma Thirkell, who bought a ceramic water filter last week, said she was concerned about the effects fluoride could have upon her young children. "I believe that if government creates policy that causes people to suffer, and there are people who have very high sensitivity to fluoride in our community, that they are duly compensated for the suffering," Ms Thirkell said.
"If people are forced to suffer and there is a conscientious objector, I think the Government should be giving out these water filters for free."
Queenslanders for Safe Water, Air and Food co-coordinator Bill Kilvert, said the high rate of water filter sales was indicative of widespread community concern about the fluoride issue. He said the organization would fight to have fluoride removed from the water supply, even after December 31.
"There are a hell of lot of people who are opposed to fluoride who know that it is bad for everybody, especially children," Mr Kilvert said. "They are trying to overcome this problem."
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Also in today’s Cairns Post. “The editor’s pick” of the letter to the editor by Vince Margiotta, a member of our Cairns anti fluoride group. Good one Vince. - WernerFluoride may not be your cup of tea.
PROFESSOR Colin Rix's analogy of fluoride being concentrated in tea in a non-toxic form (19-12-09) is an interesting one and it appears as though he forgot to mention that the effects of fluoride are cumulative.
Even the kind of dosage tea provides is still potentially harmful to the system after a long period of copious ingestion.
But, of course, we are encouraged to drink at least two to three litres of water a day, not tea. On average, only about half the fluoride we ingest each day is said to be excreted through the kidneys.
Ten years ago, UNICEF reported that they could not agree on a single "optimal" level of daily fluoride intake. This is because the nutritional status of individuals varies greatly and, therefore, influences the rate at which fluoride is absorbed by the body.
And, as Mark Diesendorf stated, there are cases of people who are hypersensitive to fluoride.
But whatever the safety or otherwise of even two to three daily cups of tea, the key issue here is one of choice. A person can choose to consume tea or not.
It's harder to argue the same merit with fluoridated municipal water supplies, unless one has invested in filtering equipment such as reverse osmosis or distillation.
This makes opting out an expensive and unnecessary exercise. The merits of long-term ingestion of fluoride in municipal doses appear questionable.
There is far more freedom of choice in opting out of fluoridated toothpaste or tea than there is in opting out of fluoridated town water.
Europe is now 98% fluoride free. They and most of the world caught on to this fluoridation hoax years ago.
Adding fluoride to drinking water is an absolute waste of money. People only drink 1/2 % of the water they use. The remaining 99 1/2% simply goes down the drain.
The only benefits go to the industries which can sell their toxic waste fluoride to communities.
When the fertilizer companies, and others, clean their smokestacks, they bag the waste fluoride chemical, (Hydroflurosilicic Acid), which contains lead, mercury, arsenic, etc. and sell it to communities to add to our water systems.
The Government tries to convince us that it does not harm us if it is diluted enough. Who benefits-------follow the money!
Those promoting fluoridation simply refuse to read the current research showing it is ineffective and dangerous to health. Go to ( and read several scientific articles.
Read the letter from Dr. Hardy Limeback ( DDS, PhD Biochemistry) --- Head, Preventive Dentistry, University of Toronto entitled "Why I am now officially opposed to adding fluoride to drinking water"
He was the principal research advisor to the Canadian Dental Association for over 10 years in promoting fluoridation. His letter is an apology to other dentists and the public.
Dr. Limeback includes over 140 Research studies, including:
Increased risk of bone cancer -- 13 studies
Lead, arsenic, radium contaminants causing toxic water -- 10 studies
Link with fluoride and other cancer -- 12
Fluoride causes birth defects -- 5
Fluoride affects the immune systems -- 12
Fluoride is neurotoxic (brain, nerves, lowering IQ) -- 11
Hi Werner
You've been fighting hard on this issue.
It seems you are gaining some ground and getting people to sit up and ask questions.
We keep hearing that Fluoride does not cause any deaths - I would like to know what checks anyone does on a deceased person to see if bodies actually had signs of fluoride poisoning or any other signs relevant - no one would have done tests as I have asked that question before but no one will answer - but they are still claiming it is no problem.
How can anyone trust the likes of Anna Bligh with putting anything into our water supplies??? What would she know about anything to do with medical conditions? Being a politician is the only job you can get with no experience in the field.
The Tablelanders were told we would not have fluoride added to our water as the water came from too many different sources. However, now the taxpayers are going to have to pay for some very expensive system just so that they make sure we are all poisoned slowly. No sign though when we die as no one will know for sure. I wrote to Anna Bligh many months ago asking for a concrete guarantee that this would not harm us. The reply I got was the standard government reply with no such guarantee - NOT SIGNED BY HER THOUGH - you will never get a minister to sign a letter - have you all noticed that????? Australia and Queensland in particular are no longer democracies.
That was interesting to read that fluoride is in tea. When I was growing up, putting on the kettle for a pot of tea was part and parcel of the daily rituals at breakfast, lunch and dinner. The teapot complete with cosy was always set on the table. Older ladies like my Grandmother would boil the kettle several more times during the day for a "cuppa". I have been wondering therefore, to what extent did this daily tea drinking contribute to osteoporosis in the older women? My own Mother who was a huge tea drinker had clear signs of osteoporosis at age 53.
Alison, your mother’s osteoporosis may well be caused by the excessive intake of fluoride in tea, but unfortunately there are no test available in Australia, I’m told, which could verify this, and doctors wouldn’t even suspect this and would most likely contribute it to old age.
How much fluoride are we already getting? This question is HOTLY AVOIDED.
It's undisputed that exceeding the "optimal" dose of 1 PPM will result in health problems. Before fluoride is added to the community water, shouldn't dentists estimate how much fluoride is already in the average person's diet? Only then, can the decision to use more be properly determined.
50 years ago, when fluoride was first recommended for municipal water supplies, there were no sources of fluoride in a person's diet. The "optimum" dose of 1 PPM (equivalent to 1 milligram/litre) was proposed because if a person drank four 8 oz glasses of water they would receive 1 milligram of fluoride. Not too scientific, but understandable.
How much fluoride do your children receive today? If your children had only one Coke, a glass of milk and Wheaties and no other food the entire day, they would receive 130% of the recommended "optimal" dose. This is data from laboratory analysis of fluoride content.
Add a glass of water and they would exceed 180% of their "optimal" dose. Why put fluoride in the water when so many products already contain fluoride? You'll be surprised to see how much fluoride is in an actual school lunch.
Don't think 3 milligrams of fluoride is much. Here's a comparison of a typical aspirin alongside a 3mg pill.
Today most foods are made with fluoridated water and crops are sprayed with fluoridated water which is absorbed into the plant.
Everyone agrees excess fluoride is dangerous. Don't you want to know how much your children are already getting before giving them more? Of course what is needed for strong teeth is the calcium fluoride and not the poisonous stuff from the aluminium and fertiliser industry they put into our Cairns water. But too much of a good thing can do harm.
I hope that this clarified a few things for you, Alison, about this insidious additive they put into our water, which was absolutely unnecessary; has been proven to be ineffective against tooth decay unless applied topically and an absolutely unnecessary cost to rate payers.
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