A case in point is the Cairns Amateur races, the biggest event on the racing calendar in Cairns, which they have stuffed up big time with their rules and regulations.
I have just become acquainted with another of these incongruous rules and regulations that the government regularly “invents’ and stealthily inserts them into the system. Having such an absurd majority they can do whatever they like and the opposition may just as well stay home

Since my wife is a regular recipient of blood, we wanted to say thank you and show appreciation to the blood donors. So I made a timber freeform stand with beautiful North Queensland timber that is not available anymore. This item is conservatively valued at $600.00; it is a one off product and cannot be replicated. Double click to enlarge pictures!
Our idea was that every blood donor gets a ticket when donating blood, and after 5 or 6 months the winner would be drawn. The idea behind this was to encourage people to spend blood more

So, unfortunately we withdrew our donation. Karola just takes this opportunity to say thank you to the altruistic and wonderful Blood Donors; without them, she would not be alive.
I love you all, Karola
The Queensland government has a penchant for making rules and regulations without any consultation of the Queensland people. You don’t know about them until it affects you personally.
A case in point is, the Cairns Amateur races, the biggest event on the racing calendar in Cairns, which they have stuffed up big time with their rules and regulations.
I have just become acquainted with another of these incongruous rules and regulations that the government regularly “invents’ and stealthily inserts them into the system. Having such an absurd majority they can do whatever they like and the opposition may just as well stay home and read the book.
Werner, these statements on your blog indicate that you are not aware of how the rules and regulations are created and approved by the members of the Parliament that you freely vote for when you elect to have these corrupt and ignorant members of the political parties re-present you in the Parliament.
The Members of the Parliament do not make the rules or regulations, the corrupt money grubbing bureaucrats in the Departments do this and they place these rules and regulations on the Table of Parliament as disallowable Instruments. That is how they fund their life-style and retirement at your expense.
If the Members of the Parliament do not object, on your behalf, to these changes or additional restrictions on your rights, they are then approved by DEFAULT.
You allow this to happen because you don’t keep up to date with the new rules and regulations being approved in this way.
Have you ever requested that your local member to send you every Instrument that is Tabled and which will become law so that you can have your member object on your behalf.
This is how our so called democracy in a Constitutional Monarchy operates and everybody just loves it. If you don’t like this do you honestly believe that the Republic will be any better.
If you don’t choose to exercise your right and discharge your obligations, then you are bound by the rules and regulations which directly affect you that are created by this process and they will have no hesitation in using the Queensland Police Service, the magistrates and the judges and will literally bash you into submission if you don’t CONSENT or comply voluntarily.
The police, magistrates and judges are just the enforces and an extension of the bureaucrats in this fascist system that you and many other approve by freely taking part in the electoral process.
G'day Youngdan, Is it not all about knowing "who u r"? If u have anything in your wallet that in is in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Is this you? There are out there 60,000,000+ statutes, rules, regulations, acts, bills, codes etc. Pick up one of these acts, anyone, and read it. If you can find the words man and woman in this act then does it applies to you? If it talks only of persons and entities then it only applies to you "IF YOU CONSENT". Know who you are. Free Rad
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